Services are completely customized to meet  my client's needs, and pricing is determined based on several factors:  How many people I will be cooking for, how often I'll be cooking,  if there are any special dietary requirements, and which meal plan will work best for your family.

Personal Chefs
in the News

Standard Services - Sept. 2015

There are 3 basic service options that are considered standard:  The "full service" option is called a "5 x 4", which is (5) 4-serving dinner entrees and sides (20+ meals), which feeds a family of 2 for approximately 2 weeks or more, (with some meals frozen) for a cost of $ 450.00.*  [Exclusion: Not offered for Paleo]

The second standard option is a mini-service of (3) 4-serving dinner entrees and sides, yielding 12+ meals (also known as a 1 week fresh service) - the cost for this option is $ 325.00.* 

I also offer a 4 meal service, for $375.00.

Pricing includes everything from the customized meals plans that we create together to the groceries and the food packaging containers.  The "per person" charge for more than 2 people is only $10.00 per person, per serving. 

* Please note that there may be an additional fee of $50.00 per service for very complex dietary requirements.


In-Home Dining
by Marie also makes Gift Certificates available. 

They have become a popular gift for that person who has everything.  The Gift Certificate announces the gift and explains the service; Marie then meets with the recipient to create the menu.

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